AB Z-Test for Proportions Calculator
Determine if there's a significant difference between the conversion rates of two groups in your AB test.
Input Data:
Visitors: Enter visitors for Group A and Group B.
Conversions: Enter conversions for Group A (CR_A) and Group B (CR_B).
Click "Submit" to see the results.
CR_A, CR_B: conversions of each group
P-Value: Probability the difference is due to chance (significant if < alpha)
Uplift: (CR_B - CR_A)/CR_A
Uplift CI: Confidence Interval of the uplift (significant if it excludes zero)
For two landing pages:
Group A: 1000 visitors, 200 conversions
Group B: 1200 visitors, 260 conversions
Enter these values to check for a significant difference.
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